Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog!
I started this blog more for myself than anything. Like any bookworm, I love to read and do so all. the. time. But I also found myself rating and leaving reviews on books after I finished them. First, my reviews started off as a word or two, basically stating whether I liked the book or not, then my thoughts began to develop into something more. I found myself writing a few paragraphs and comparing writing styles and feelings with this book compared to that one. I decided I wanted to share my unsolicited thoughts and opinions elsewhere.
So I started this blog! It’s a great place for me to write down my thoughts, feelings, and opinions all centered around books.
A little about me though…
I grew up in a small town in Texas. I quickly realized that books were able to transport me away from the country life I so wanted to escape so I kept reading them.
I went to college in another small town and graduated with my BS in Web Design and Development. So my day job includes designing fun things while my hobbies include reading, writing, and reviewing.
I’m always looking to connect with people with similar interests so follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Goodreads, or wherever you’re most active!