In a manor by the sea, one sister is still cursed. Despite dreams of adventures far beyond the Salann shores, seventeen-year-old Verity Thaumas has remained at her family’s estate, Highmoor, with her older sister Camille, while their sisters have scattered across Arcannia. When their sister Mercy sends word that the Duchess of Bloem—wife of a celebrated botanist—is interested in having Verity paint a portrait of her son, Alexander, Verity ... Read the Post...
13 Hockey Romance Books to Keep You Warm On and Off the Ice
So your social media is filled with hockey romance book lovers and you don't even know where to start? An accidental Vegas marriage between the grumpiest man in the NHL and a social media influencer; a ladies' man who has to actually chase the woman he's interested in (gasp!); two teammates fighting against their budding attraction for each other; a fake dating exchange that goes way beyond fake dating. Hockey romance is taking the book world ... Read the Post...
The Third Daughter | Blog Tour
A sweeping YA fantasy about legacy, betrayal, sisterhood, and politicizing emotion in the quest for power—all balanced by a slow-burn LGBTQ romance.For centuries, the citizens of Velle have waited for their New Maiden to return. The prophecy states she will appear as the third daughter of a third daughter. When the fabled child is finally born to Velle’s reigning queen all rejoice except for Elodie, the queen’s eldest child, who has lost her ... Read the Post...
Sammy Espinoza’s Last Review | ARC Review
A music critic stuck in a spiral of epic proportions targets her teenage crush for a career comeback and a chance at revenge. What could possibly go wrong? Sammy Espinoza’s life is a raging dumpster fire. Her desperate attempt to win back her singer ex-girlfriend has landed her in hot water at work, and she has one last chance before her editor cuts her column. Luckily, Sammy has a plan to redeem herself, but it won’t be ... Read the Post...